What's new? (June 2001 Archives)

Monday, June 26th, 2001: Sony release three new devices!
Go and check Sony's site (or go to the Comparison page here on €uroClie) to discover those new devices. Here's a brief description:

Thursday June 21st, 2001: Big Update (it was about time!)
Sorry for the (very) long delay since last update. You know how life goes, sometimes, you just can't seem to find enough time to do all that you need to! ;-)

So here we go: in this update, I've redesigned the Software page, as one big page wasn't particularly fast to load or easy to browse. Now the software page is just a table of content, allowing you to jump directly to the Software category you want to browse (Built-in, MemoryStick, JogDial, High Resolution, Audio, Miscellaneous, Incompatible). Also, big update because I included most of the known High Resolution-enabled programs (if you know some that are not listed, let me know).

I remind you by the way that there is an EuroClie AvantGo channel (I really should advertise it more clearly on the main page, probably add another menu), in which you'll find this page (recent News) and also a summary of the Software page, with the name and version number of every program that's listed on the site.

Last but not least, here are a few news from the Clie world, for those (like myself) who would have been in a cave or on a desert island (without net access) for the last four weeks:

Enough for now. By the way, I'm still struggling with the FlashROM and localization issues, I'll keep everyone advised whenever something useable will be available... ;-)